Hao Lin @ NJU-CS

Hao Lin

R&D Engineer,
Platform of Artificial Intelligence (PAI),
Aliyun Computing Co., Ltd.,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China.

[ Biography | Education | Working Experience | Publication | Award | Teaching Assistant | Correspondence]


Currently, I am a R&D engineer in Aliyun Computing Co., Ltd.'s Platform of Artificial Intelligence (PAI). My research interest includes AI infrastructures, especially those for alignment tasks.

Prior to this position, I received Master degree from Department of Computer Science and Technology of Nanjing University in June, 2024. My thesis was about AI infrastructures for enhancing the efficiency of training LLMs. My supervisor was Professor Wu-Jun Li.

Before that, I received B.Sc. degree from Department of Computer Science and Technology of Nanjing University in June, 2021. In the same year, I was admitted to pursue my M.Sc. degree without entrance examination.


Working Experience


  • Hao Lin*, Ke Wu*, Jie Li, Jun Li, and Wu-Jun Li†: UniAP: Unifying Inter- and Intra-Layer Automatic Parallelism by Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming. arXiv2307.16375, 2023. [PDF] [Code (To be released)]

  • We propose an automatic parallelism framework UniAP. It utilizes MIQP to jointly optimize DP, TP, FSDP, and PP to enhance efficiency in training large models. Experimental results show that UniAP outperforms SOTA by up to 1.71x in throughput and reduces strategy optimization time by up to 107x across five Transformer-based models.

(*: equal contribution. †: corresponding author.)


Teaching Assistant


E-mail Address

baodong.lh{AT}alibaba-inc.com (Business)
hao.lin.msc{AT}gmail.com (Private)


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